Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
[Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers]

岡山大学プロジェクト JSPS Project of Okayama University

独立行政法人日本学術振興会 頭脳循環を加速する戦略的国際研究ネットワーク推進プログラム

独立行政法人 日本学術振興会 人材育成事業


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fostering Next Generation of Researchers
Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers

This program works to foster excellent young Japanese researchers who will form the nucleus of networks that are formed by Japanese research groups with a high degree of potential, that draw upon the international circulation of good brains, and that carry out international joint research with top-ranked overseas research institutions. It does this by supporting Japanese universities and research institutions with programs to dispatch for long stays young Japanese researchers to counterpart countries and to invite researchers from those countries to Japan.



Development of international research network aiming for the realization of superconductive materials with high critical temperature


岡山大学 ニュース


Okayama Univ. News International Exchange


イタリア ローマ・ラ・サピエンツァ大学 Sapienza - University of Rome Italy
スイス ジュネーブ大学 University of Geneva Swizerland
フランス エコール・サントラル・パリ Ecole Centrale Paris France
フランス 原子力・代替エネルギー庁(CEA)/ナノ科学 低温研究所(INAC) CEA/INAC France