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Welcome to the homepage of Research Laboratory of Surface Science (Yokoya/Muraoka Group) at Okayama University.
Our interests are to synthesize new functional materials and to reveal the origin of their functionalities from the viewpoint of electronic structures. We utilize various techniques in solid state chemistry and high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy to approach our goals.
We are currently recruiting graduate students (master and Ph.D cource students) to our laboratory.

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2024.12.20 Muraoka presented research results at the 180th regular meeting of the SP.
2024.11.22 Results of First-principles calculations concering ferromagnetism in Q-carbon were published in Diam.Relat. Mater.
Q. Yue et al., Diam. Relat. Mater. 151, 111807 (2025).
2024.11.19 The results of research on VO2 thin film (Reki Nakamoto and Muraoka) were published in Langmuir
R. Nakamoto, Y. Muraoka et al., Langumuir 40, 24447 (2024).

2024.9.16-20 Ohgishi, Qiang, and Muraoka presented at JSAP Autumn Meeting 2024 held at Toki messe. 2024.9.10 A farewell party for Wakita-san was held.
2024.8.28 The results of joint research with Tokai University on VO2 thin film (Inagaki and Muraoka) were published in J. Appl. Phys.
T. Onuki, K. Okimura, Y. Liu, S. Inagaki, Y. Muraoka et al., J. Appl. Phys. 136, 085305 (2024).
2024.7.28 Muraoka presented at Annual Meetings of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JSAP held at Tokushima University.
2024.3.22-25 Muraoka presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2024 held at Tokyo City University.
2024.3.11 A figure from a research paper on boron-doped amorphous carbon films (by Yue Qiang) was selected as the cover image for Diamond and Related Materials.
2024.2.8 The research findings on boron-doped amorphous carbon films (Gaku) have been published in Diamond and Related Materials.
Q. Yue et al., Diam. Relat. Mater. 143, 110894 (2024).
2023.12.23 The results of joint research with Tokai University on VO2 thin film (Nakamoto and Muraoka) were published in J. Appl. Phys.
T. Onuki, K. Okimura, R. Nakamoto, Y. Muraoka et al.,J. Appl. Phys. 134, 245302 (2023).
2023.12.12 Nakamoto presented his research results at the 176th regular meeting of the SP.
2023.12.11-16 Muraoka and Yokoya presented their research results at MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023.
2023.11.25 Li's work on photoelectron holography of La(O,F)BiSSe (graduated in 2022) has been published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
YaJun Li et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 62, 125001 (2023).
2023.10.17 Gaku presented his research at molecular dynamics simulation of deposition of amorphous carbon films on sapphire surfaces in Diamond and Related Materials.
Q. Yue et al., Diam Relat Mater. 140, 110515 (2023).
2023.9.19-23 Muraoka presented his research results at the Japan Society of Applied Physics (Kumamoto Castle Hall, etc.).
2023.7.29 Enomoto and Muraoka presented at Annual Meetings of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JSAP held at Shimane University.
2023.3.15-18 Muraoka presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2023 held at Sophia University.
2023.3.14 Muraoka presented his research (Invited Talk) at the 174th Regular Meeting of SP Division of Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science held in Tokyo.
2023.2.18 Research on Spinodal Decomposition of TiO2-VO2/Glass film (Graduated in Reiwa 3rd year: Takeda) was published in Thin Solid Films.
Y. Muraoka, T. Takeda et al., Thin Solid Films 769, 139749 (2023).

2022.12.15 Muraoka presented his research (Invited Talk) at The Materials Informatics Basic Study Group of The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials held at Kinki University+Online.
2022.11.25 Muraoka presented his research (Invited Talk) at the 18th Symposium on Graphene Oxide Nanosheets held in Okayama.
2022.11.21 Muraoka presented his research (Invited Talk) at the Next Generation Materials Feature, 12th University Seeds Matching Seminar online hosted by TLO Kyoto Corporation.
2022.9.20-23 Gaku and Muraoka presented at JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022 held at Tohoku University.
2022.7.30 Muraoka presented at Annual Meetings of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JSAP held at Kagawa University.
2022.5.27 Muraoka pre-released his research on Q-Carbon.

2022.3.22-26 Muraoka presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 (Online).
2021.9.10-13 Muraoka presented at JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021.
2021.7.31 Muraoka presented at Annual Meetings of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JSAP.

2021.3.16-19 Muraoka presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2021.
2020.12.9-11 Muraoka presented at MRS-J Meeting 2020.
2020.10.16 Research results on soft x-ray irradiation of TiNCl(N. Kataoka et al.)were published in J. Phys.:Condens. Matter.
N. Kataoka et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 33, 035501 (2020).

2020.9.8-11 Muraoka presented at JSAP Autumn Meeting 2020.
2020.8.22 The research results of Q-carbon were published in Sanyo Shimbun.

2020.8.18 The research results of (V,W)O2 thin films were published in Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.

2020.8.2 Muraoka presented at Annual Meetings of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JSAP.

2020.7.30 Muraoka introduced research results of Q-carbon in the press release of Okayama University HP.

2020.7.17 Press release. Results of (V,W)O2 thin films.

2020.7.17 Research results on (V,W)O2 thin films(Y. Suga, H. Nakahara, Joint research with the University of Tokyo, ISSP) were published in Nature Communications.
Y. H. Matsuda, Y. Suga, H. Nakahara et al., Nature Communications 11, 3591 (2020).

2020.7.1 Research results on Q-carbon(H. Yoshinaka, S. Inubushi et al.)were published in Carbon.
H. Yoshinaka, S. Inubushi et al., Carbon 167, 504 (2020).

2020.2.18 Research results on the spinodal decomposition in TiO2-VO2/TiO2(100) films(F. Yoshii et al.)were published in Thin Solid Films.
Y. Muraoka, F. Yoshii et al., Thin Solid Films 698, 137854 (2020).

2020.1.6 Research results on the electronic structure of superconductor CsBi4-xPbxTe6(Yokoya, Muraoka, Wakita and collaborative research with Takasaki Labo in QST) were published in Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter.
H. Okazaki et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 145501 (2020).

2019.12.10-14 Yokoya and Fukuda presented at MRM2019.

2019.12.3 Research results on pressure-induced superconductors using data-driven exploration (Kataoka and collaborative research with Takano group in nims) were published in Journal High Pressure Reserch.

2019.10.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!
2019.9.27 Yokoya, Takeda introduced research results of P-doped diamond in the press release of Okayama University HP.

2019.9.25 Research results on micro-photoemission spectroscopy of TiNCl were published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
N. Kataoka et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 88, 104709 (2019).

2019.9.23-28 Yokoya, Muraoka, Wakita, Kataoka presented at SCES 2019.

2019.9.18-21 Muraoka, Fukuda presented at JSAP Autumn Meeting 2019.
2019.9.10-13 Yokoya, Wakita, Kataoka, Hosoda presented at JPS Autumn Meeting 2019.
2019.8.22 Research results on local electronic structure of EuFBiS2 (Terashima, Wakita and collaborative research with Saini Labo in Rome Univ.) were published in Physcal Review B.
T. Sugimoto et al., Phys. Rev. B 100, 064520 (2019).

2019.8.2 Research results on local structure of P-doped diamond by photoelectron holography (Yokoya, Takeda) were published in Nano Letters
T. Yokoya et al., Nano Lett. 19, 5915-5919 (2019).

2019.4.11 Research results on thermoelectric performance of BiS2 Compounds (Terashima) were published in Journal of Applied Pysics.
K. Terashima et al,. J. Appl. Phys. 125, 145105 (2019)

2019.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!
2019.3.31 The research results of CrO2 were published in Asahi Shimbun.

2019.3.29 Muraoka introduced research results of VO2 in the press release of Okayama University HP.

2019.03.25 Fujiwara graduated as a representative of a graduate student at the degree award ceremony and was awarded the Natural Science and Technology Graduate Award.

2019.03.19 Fujiwara received NISHINA Award. (https://www.sanyonews.jp/article/878865)

2019.03.14-17 Wakita, Terashima, Kataoka, Taniguchi presented at JPS Spring Meeting 2019.

2019.3.9-12 Muraoka presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2019.

2019.1.16 BiS2-based superconductor the review article of photoemission(Terashima, Wakita, Yokoya) was published JPSJ as part of the Special Topics ”Recent Progress in BiS2 Materials Science".
(K. Terashima et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 88, 041006 (2019) )

2018.12.20 Fujiwara is introduced in Press Release of the Okayama University HP.

2018.12.18 Research results on super high resolution Spin-ARPES of CrO2(Fujiwara) were published in Physical Review Letters.
H. Fujiwara et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 257201 (2018).

2018.12.17 Research results on observation of Fermi surface of VO2 thin film(Muraoka) were published in Scientific Reports.
Y. Muraoka et al., Sci. Rep. 8, 17906 (2018).

2018.10.31-11.2 Muraoka(invited lecture) presented at iCAMP-2018 meeting (Canada).

2018.9.28 Research results on Temperature-dependent local structure and superconductivity of BaPd2As2 and SrPd2As2(Terashima) were published in Physical Review B.
K. Terashima et al., Phys. Rev. B 98, 094525(2018).
2018.9.19 Research results on Determination of the local structure of Sr2−xMxIrO4 (M = K, La) as a function of doping and temperature(Terashima) were published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
K. Terashima et al., Phys. Chem. Phys. 20, 23783-23788(2018).
2018.9.17-19 Yokoya(invited lecture), Terashima(invited lecture) presented at European Materials Research Society 2018 Fall meeting (Warsaw).

2018.9.9-12 Fujiwara received POSTER AWARD of JPS Autumn Meeting 2018.

2018.9.9-12 Wakita, Terashima, Fujiwara, Hosoda, Kataoka presented at JPS Autumn Meeting 2018.

2018.8.21 Research results on Multilayer formation via spinodal decomposition in TiO2-VO2 epitaxial films on sapphire substrates(Matsuura) were published in J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.
Y. Matsuura et al., J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.38, 5043-5050 (2018).
2018.8.4 Muraoka presented at Annual Meetings of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JSAP.

2018.7.15-20 Fujiwara presented at Internetional Conferrence on Magnetism 2018 (Sanfrancisco).

2018.6.18-22 Fujiwara presented(invited lecture) at EMN meeting on Epitaxy 2018 (Vienna)

2018.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!

2018.3.22-25 Yokoya, Wakita, Terashima presented at JPS Spring Meeting 2018.

2018.3.17-20 Muraoka, Fujiwara presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2018.

2017.12.14 Research results on Direct observation of double valence-band extrema and anisotropic effective masses of the thermoelectric material SnSe (Nagayama) were published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
Takanobu Nagayama et al.,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 010301 (2018)

2017.11.3 Research results on Observation of intrinsic half-metallic behavior of CrO2 (100) epitaxial films by bulk-sensitive spin-resolved PES (Fujiwara) were published in J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom.
H. Fujiwara et al., J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 220, 46 (2017).

2017.11.2 Research results of our lab were published. →Publications

2017.9.29 Research results on photoemission spectromicroscopy of BaV10O15 (Wakita and collaborative research with Saini Lab in Rome Univ. and Mizokawa Lab in Waseda Univ.) were published in Pysical Review B.
T. Yoshino et al., Phys. Rev. B 96, 115161 (2017).

2017.9.21-24 Fujiwara, Yano presented at JPS.

2017.9.18-21 Yokoya, Terashima, Wakita presented at European Materials Research Society 2017 Fall meeting (Warsaw).

2017.9.5-8 Muraoka, Yoshii, Suga presented at JSAP Fall Meeting 2017.

2017.7.18 Research results on the local structure of Nax (NH3) yMoSe2 superconductor (Wakita, Terashima, Kubo Giken and collaborative research with the Roman Univ. Saini Lab) were published in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.
L. Simonelli, E. Paris, T. Wakita, C. Marini, K. Terashima, X. Miao, W. Olszewski, N. Ramanan, D. Heinis, Y. Kubozono, T. Yokoya, N.L. Saini, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 111, 70–74 (2017)

2017.9.18-21 Yokoya, Wakita, Terashima presented at European Materials Research Society 2017 Fall meeting (Warsaw).

2017.7.7 Research results on Evolution of the remnant Fermi-surface state in the lightly doped correlated spin-orbit insulator Sr2-xLaxIrO4
(Terashima) were published in Physical Review B
K. Terashima et al., Phys. Rev. B 96, 041106(2017).
2017.5.16 Research results on NbxBi2Se3 (Fujiwara and collaborative research with Kobayashi and Akimitsu Labo) were published in Physical Review B.
K. Kobayashi et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 180503 (2017).

2017.4.25 Our work on Effect of aliovalent dopants on the kinetics of spinodal decomposition in rutile-type TiO2-VO2 is accepted for publication in J. Eur. Ceram. Soc..
M. Ogata et al., J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.37, 3177-3183 (2017).

2017.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!

2017.3.24 Sunagawa reseived Dean award of Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology. Ogata and Fukura received best Master's thesis award.Fukura received Student award of JPS region 10.

2017.3.16-20 Yokoya, terashima, Fujiwara, Fukura presented at JPS.

2017.2.17 Suga presented at young forum of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JIM and ISIJ.

2017.2.15 Our work on CeO1−xFxBiS2 is accepted for publication in Physical Review B.
(Takanori Wakita et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 085109 (2017).)

2017.1.30 Research results on microscopic ARPES of Eu3F4Bi2S4 (Terashima, Wakita and collaborative research with Saini Labo in Rome university) were published in Physical Review B.
E. Paris et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 035152 (2017).

2016.12.20-22 Sunagawa, Fujiwara, Takeda, Nagayama, Fukura and Yano presented at International Workshop on Superconductivity and Related Functional Materials 2016.

2016.12.19 Fujiwara received the incentive award of the 21th JSAP Fall Meeting.

2016.9.13-9.16 Terashima, Wakita, Sunagawa, Fukura presented at JPS Fall Meeting 2016.

2016.9.13-9.16 Fujiwara, Yoshii, Matsuura presented at JSAP Fall Meeting 2016.

2016.8.8 Our work on CsBi4-xPbxTe6 is accepted for publication in PCCP.
(Takanori Wakita et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 25136 (2016).)

2016.7.31 Terashima, Fujiwara, Yoshii, Matsuura presented at Annual Meetings of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JSAP.

2016.7.11 Research results on (NH3)yMxMoSe2 (Terashima and collaborative research with Kubozono Labo) were published in Scientific Reports.
X. Miao et al., Sci. Rep. 6, 29292 (2016).

2016.7.3-8 Fujiwara presented at The 39th International conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics.

2016.6.8 Our work on superconductivity of KxFe2-ySe2 is accepted for publication in JPSJ.
(Masanori Sunagawa et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 85, 073704 (2016).)

2016.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!

2016.3.25 Fujiwara received dean award of graduation school of natural science and technology.

2016.3.25 Kittaka and Fujiwara received best Master's thesis award.

2016.3.19-22 Yokoya, Fujiwara, Nagayama presented at JPS Spring Meeting 2016.

2016.3.19-22 Muraoka presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2016.

2016.3.9 The graduation-thesis show was held jointly with Akimitsu Lab. (Miyazaki, Matsuura, Yoshii)

2016.3.9 Takeda was awarded the Daimon Award by 3rd Report Meeting of Recent Results of 3D Active-site Science.

2016.3.7-9 Wakita and Takeda presented at 3rd Report Meeting of Recent Results of 3D Active-site Science.

2016.2.28 Hamada became seventh in the men's C group in the Kibiji Marathon in Soja!

2016.2.19 Ogata presented at young forum of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JIM and ISIJ.

2016.2.5 Our work on LaOxF1-xBiS2(x=0.23 and 0.46)and Nd(O,F)BiS2 is accepted for publication in JPCS.
(Kensei Terashima et al., J. Phys: Conference Series 683, 012002 (2016).)
(Kensei Terashima et al., J. Phys: Conference Series 683, 012003 (2016).)

2016.1.29 Our work on thin film preparation of TaO2 is accepted for publication in Thin Solid Films.
(Yuji Muraoka et al., Thin Solid Films 599, 125 (2016).)

2015.11.14-15 Fujiwara, Ogata presented at CSJ West Japan Chemistry Forum.

2015-9.24-25 Yokoya, Terashima presented at TMU International Symposium 2015.

2015.9.16-9.19 Terashima, Sunagawa, Fujiwara, Takeda, Nagayama, Hukura presented at JPS Fall Meeting 2015.

2015.9.13-9.16 Muraoka, Ogata presented at JSAP Fall Meeting 2015.

2015.8.7 Muraoka presented at the third debate.

2015.8.1 Muraoka presented at Annual Meetings of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JSAP.

2015.6.25 Fujiwara is introduced in Press Release of the Okayama University HP. (http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/tp/release/release_id309.html)

2015.6.23 The study of BiS2-based superconductors is introduced in "e-Bulletin"(vol.11), international information site of Okayama Univ. (http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/user/kouhou/ebulletin/)

2015.5.19 The article of bulk-sensitive spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on CrO2 is accepted for publication in APL.
(Hirokazu Fujiwara et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 202404 (2015).)

2015.4.17 Our work on superconductivity of Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2-xPtxAs2)5 is accepted for publication in JPSJ.
(Masanori Sunagawa et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 055001 (2015).)

2015.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!

2015.3.21-3.24 Yokoya, Muraoka, Wakita, Terashima, Sunagawa, Hamada and Hujiwara presented at JPS Spring Meeting 2015.

2015.3.11-3.14 Muraoka presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2015

2015.3.10 The graduation-thesis show was held jointly. (Ogata, Kameoka, Takeda, Nagayama, Hukura)

2015.3.5-3.6 Wakita, Sunagawa, Hamada, Hukura and Takeda presented at HiSOR symposium.
2015.2.22 Hamada became thirteenth in the men's C group in the Kibiji Marathon in Soja!

2014.12.22 Our work on LaO0.54F0.46BiS2 is accepted for publication in PRB.
(Kensei Terashima et al., Phys. Rev. B 90, 220512 (2014).)

2014.11.8-10 Yokoya, Muraoka, Wakita, Terashima, Sunagawa, Kittaka and Fujiwara presented at Ushimado International Workshop on Physics and Chemistry of Novel Superconductors and Related Materials.

2014.9.17-9.20 Muraoka and Kittaka presented at JSAP Fall Meeting 2014

2014.9.7-9.10 Yokoya, Muraoka, Wakita, Terashima, Sunagawa and Hamada presented at JPS Fall Meeting 2014.

2014.8.22 On-line printing of the article of Soft X-ray Resonant and High-Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopies on CeM2Al10 (M = Fe, Ru, and Os) was published JPSJ.
(T. Ishiga et al., Journal of the Physical Society Japan 83, 094717 (2014).)

2014.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!

2014.3.27-3.30 Yokoya, Muraoka, Wakita and Terashima presented at JPS Spring Meeting 2014.

2014.3.25 Jabuchi, Sunagawa, Sonoyama received best Master's thesis award.

2014.3.17-3.20 Muraoka presented at JSAP Spring Meeting 2014

2014.3.4 Our work on La and P co-doped CaFe2As2 is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.
(M. Sunagawa et al., Scientific Reports 4, 4381 (2014).)

2014.3.3 The graduation-thesis show was held jointly with Nohara Lab. (Kittaka, Hamada, Fujiwara)

2014.2.23 Hamada became thirty-second in the men's C group in the Kibiji Marathon in Soja!

2014.2.20 Jabuchi, Sunagawa, Sonoyama and Fujimoto presented at the master's-thesis presentation session.

2014.1.23 Our work on the metal-insulator transition of VO2 is accepted for publication in JJAP.
(Y. Muraoka et al., Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53, 05FB09 (2014). )

2014.1.16 Our work on superconductivity of LaO1-xFxBiS2 is accepted for publication in JPSJ.
(S. Nagira et al., Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 033703 (2014). )

2013.10.8-9 Sunagawa presented at the workshop of iron based superconductors.

2013.10.8-10.9 Sunagawa presented at the workshop of iron based superconductors.

2013.10.2 Our work on hidden order of URu2Si2 is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.
(R. Yoshida et al., Scientific Reports 3, 2750 (2014). )

2013.9.25-9.28 Muraoka, Wakita, Jabuchi, Sunagawa and Sonoyama presented at JPS Fall Meeting 2013

2013.9.23-9.26 Yokoya presented at ICTP LEMSUPER Conference on Mechanisms and Developments in Light-Element Based and Other Novel Superconductors

2013.9.16-9.20 Muraoka presented at JSAP-MRS joint symposia

2013.9.16-9.20 Muraoka and Otsuka presented at JSAP Fall Meeting 2013

2013.8.5-8.9 Yokoya and Sunagawa presented at International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems.

2013.7.27 Muraoka presented at Annual Congress 2013 of Chugoku-Shikoku chapter of JPS and JSAP

2013.6.12 Our work on Ca(Fe1-xRhx)2As2 is accepted for publication in JPSJ.
(K. Tsubota et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 073705 (2013). )

2013.5.18 We came first in the Physics Depeartment's softball competition!

2013.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!
2013.3.26-3.29 Wakita, Jabuchi and Sunagawa presented at JPS Spring Meeting 2013
2013.3.14-3.15 Sunagawa was awarded the student encouragement prize by the first IMSS science fiesta.
2013.3.4 The graduation-thesis show was held jointly with Nohara Lab. (Otsuka,Nagira)
2013.2.28-3.1 Yokoya,Muraoka,Wakita presented at HiSOR symposium.
2013.2.21 Isiga,Tubota,Nagao and Hiramatsu presented at the master's-thesis presentation session.
2013.1.7 On-line printing of the review article of electronic structure was published Science and Technology of Advanced Materials.
(T. Yokoya et al., Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 13, 054403 (2012). )

2012.11.10 We came first in the Physics Depeartment's softball competition!

2012.10.1-10.3 Yokoya, Muraoka, Ishiga, Tubota, Nagao, Hiramatsu, Jabuchi, Sunagwa and Hugimoto presented at International Symposium on Physics and Chemistry of Novel Superconductors and Related Materials

2012.9.18-9.21 Muraoka, Wakita, Ishiga, Tsubota, Nagao, Jabuchi, Sunagawa and Sonoyama presented at JPS Fall Meeting 2012

2012.9.11-9.14 Yokoya, Muaraoka and Fujimoto presented at JSAP Fall Meeting 2012

2012.7.26 Our work on superconductor gap of PrPt4Ge12 is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B.
(Y. Nakamura et al., Physical Review B 86, 014521 (2012). )
2012.7.4-6 Takayoshi,Ishiga and Koji participate in the Fourth International Workshop on the Dual Nature of f-Electrons 2012.6.21-22 Koji ,Sunagawa and Sonoyama participate in the workshop of iron based superconductors 2012.6.11 Our work on fine electronic structures of URu2Si2 is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid communication).
(R. Yoshida et al., Physical Review B 82, 205108 (2010). )
2012.5.19 We came first in the Physics Depeartment's softball competition!
2012.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!
2012.3.24-3.27 Yokoya, Muraoka, Wakita, R. Yoshida, Ishiga, presented at JPS 67th annual meeting
2012.3.23 Jabuchi was dean award department of science
2012.3.15-3.16 Tsubota presented at PF symposium
2012.3.5 Reserch on superconductivity in diamond thin films is published in Diam. Relat. Mater.
(T. Doi et al., Diamond & Related Materials 25, 5 (2012). )

2012.3.5 The graduation-thesis show was held jointly with Nohara Lab. (Oyama,Jabuchhi,Sunagawa,Sonoyama,Hugimoto)
2012.3.1-3.2 Muraoka, Hirai and Wakita presented at HiSOR symposium
2011.9.24 Muraoka, Wakita, R. Yoshida, Fukui, S. Yoshida, Ishiga, Nagao, Tsubota, and Hiramatsu presented at JPS Fall Meeting 2011

2011.8.28-9.5 Takayoshi and Rikiya presented at SCES 2011

2011.6.22-6.25 Takayoshi, Rikiya, Masaki, and Toshihiko participate in the workshop of Heavy Electrons

2011.6.16-6.17 Takayoshi and Koji participate in the workshop of iron based superconductors

2011.4.1 We welcomed new members to our lab!

2011.3.10 Yoshiaki received best Master's thesis award.

2011.3.1 Rikiya is introduced in "IchoNamiki", a PR magazine of Okayama Univ.

2011.2.7 Our research was introduced in Nikkei online (1/14).
2011.1.26 Paper on P-doped diamond is accepted for publication in APL.
(H. Okazaki et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 082107 (2011). )

2010.12.24 Research on TiO2-VO2 interface is published in J. Appl. Phys.

2010.11.18 Research on Picene superconductor appears in several newspapers.

2010.11.9 Paper on URu2Si2 has been selected to be an Editor's Suggestion.

2010.11.7 We came first in the Physics Depeartment's softball competition!

2010.10.16 PES work on Picene is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B.
(H. Okazaki et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 195114 (2010). )

2010.10.15 Our work on URu2Si2 is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B.
(R. Yoshida et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 205108 (2010). )

2010.9.23 Presented at JPS Fall Meeting 2010
(Muraoka, Wakita, Okazaki, R. Yoshida, Nakamura, Yao, Fukui, S. Yoshida)

2010.9.21 Research on electronic structure of PrPt4Ge12 is published in JPSJ.
(Y. Nakamura et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79, 124701/1-4 (2010). )

2010.9.20 Rikiya, Yosiaki and Masaki presented at ICHE2010 (Tokyo, Japan)

Research on thin films of chromium dioxide is published in J. Appl. Phys.
(K. Iwai et al., Journal of Applied Physics 108, 043916 (2010). )

2010.7.1 Takayoshi and Rikiya presented at SCES2010 (Santa Fe, USA)

2010.5.28 Rikiya received POSTER AWARD of SNS2010

2010.5.23 Hiroyuki and Rikiya presented at SNS2010 (Shanghai, China)

2010.4.1 homepage updated