Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
[Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers]
- Composite Dielectric and Ferroelectric Perovskites Ceramics for Ultra-High Permittivity and Electrocaloric Effect -
Prof.Jean Michel Kiat
Laboratoire SPMS CentraleSupelec, France(旧 Ecole Centrale Paris)
Date:October 30, 2017
Place:Collaboration Room
概 要:電気分極によって固体中に誘起される電荷には多様な応用が提案されている。これに関連し大きな誘電率を示す物質の探索を行っている。最近の複合ペロブスカイト系強誘電セラミック材料における巨大誘電率効果に関する研究とそれに付随して観測されるに電気熱量効果について議論するためのセミナーをおこなう。
Contact person: N. Ikeda
- Physics and chemistry of emerging superconductors and thermoelectric materials -
Date:September 13-15, 2017
Place:Aula Conversi, Department of Physics Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Various metal oxides/chalcogenides/pnictides with structural instabilities exhibit interesting and useful transport properties including high temperature superconductivity and giant thermoelectric performance. In many cases, the structural instabilities are deeply related to strong fluctuations of valence state and local bond.
The meeting is aimed to discuss recent progress in physics and chemistry of such metal oxides/chalcogenides/pnictides with strong lattice and electronic fluctuations for future superconducting and thermoelectric systems. Experimental and theoretical issues will be presented and discussed. Apart from the growth techniques and characterizations of the new superconducting and thermoelectric materials, spectroscopic properties, studied in-house and at synchrotron radiation sources, will be one of the key themes.
- X-ray spectroscopic studies of emerging superconductors -
Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Universita di Roma, P. le Aldo Moro 2, 00185 Roma
Date:May 17, 2017, 16:20-
Place:Collaboration Room
Abstract:X-ray absorption based spectroscopic techniques have been widely used to study structural and electronic properties of complex materials with competing electronic phases. Layered structures are the good examples of systems in which x-ray absorption based tools have added useful information to our understanding of their macroscopic physical properties driven by local interactions between the coexisting phases. Here, some recent studies using x-ray absorption based techniques on emerging superconducting materials will be discussed. In particular, the case of iron-based dichalcogenides, showing a microscale coexistence of magnetic texture and superconductivity, will be presented with details on the characteristic features explored by x-ray spectroscopy and scattering techniques. Some specific recent examples on the local structural studies performed by x-ray absorption spectroscopy in other iron-based superconductors and related systems will also be discussed.
Contact person: T. Yokoya
- Local crystal - and electronic-structure studies on novel superconductors -
Date:September 8, 2016
Place:Collaboration Room
14:00-14:05 Opening T. Yokoya
Session T (14:05-15:45) Chair:T. Yokoya
14:05-14:45 N.L. Saini EXAFS and photoemission microscopy of novel superconductors (tentative)
14:45-15:15 K. Kobayashi Cubic superconductor, AgSnSe2 and its substitution effect
15:15-15:45 T. Wakita EXAFS and photoemission of CsBi4-xPbxTe6
15:45-16:00 Coffee break
Session U (16:00-17:30) Chair:K. Horigane
16:00-16:40 M. Nohara Superconductivity induced by bond breaking of IrTe2 and AuTe2
16:40-17:10 K. Terashima Electronic states of doped Mott insulator Sr2-xLaxIrO4 studied by ARPES
17:10-17:30 X. Miao Superconducting properties of (NH3)yNaxMoSe2 under ambient and high pressures
日 時:平成28年2月29日(月)12:40 ー 3月1日(火)15:30
場 所:岡山大学理学部大会議室
講演者(敬称略):N.L. Saini(ローマ大)、組頭広志(KEK, PF)、野原 実(岡山大)、池田 直(岡山大)、
V. Ksenofontov(マインツ大)、P.E. Janolin(エコール・サントアル・パリ)、
J.M. Triscone(ジュネーブ大)、久保園芳博(岡山大)、秋光 純(岡山大) 他
キックオフミーティングでは、本学のプロジェクト担当研究者および主要連携研究者であるローマ大学物理学科のN.L. Saini教授、ジュネーブ大学量子物質物理学科のJ.-M. Triscone博士、エコール・サントアル・パリ物理学科のJ.-M. Janoline博士が、超伝導に関する最新の研究成果や今後の研究についての講演を行います。
加えて、マインツ大のVadim Ksenofontov教授をはじめとしたゲストスピーカーによる講演もあります。